We miss you every day! Always in our hearts!
Manuela Lieberth

Wenn ihr mich sucht, dann sucht in euren Herzen. Wenn ihr mich dort findet, dann lebe ich in euch weiter.

Wenn ihr mich am Friedhof in Bamberg besuchen wollt, hier warte ich auf Euch!https://strato-editor.com/.cm4all/widgetres.php/com.cm4all.wdn.Separatingline/images/thumbnail.svg

49°54'18.0"N 10°53'18.4"E

In unserem Leben hast du deinen Platz verlassen,  in unseren Herzen bist du immer bei uns.


You were a fighter and the bravest person I ever met in my life!
I cannot believe you are gone. You passed peacefully away on 23. March 2022 at 5:45 in the morning! Thank you for your love!
I will keep you in my heart and know you are free now! Rest in peace 💕



49 Einträge auf 10 Seiten
Adrian Wardhana
14.04.2022 05:13:54
"Those we love don't go away,
They walk beside us every day,
Unseen, unheard, but always near,
Still loved, still missed and very dear"

Dear Bernd,
Our deepest condolences, May you have the strength to keep carry on and remember all the wonderful memories with her that will never fade from your heart!

Rest in Peace Manu! Gott segne!
Tony Suah
14.04.2022 02:03:13
Dear Bernd,
My deepest condolences to you and the family. May you find comfort, courage, and lots of love at this difficult time.

Dear Manu,
May you rest in peace.
Kenneth Hoo
13.04.2022 16:03:51
Manu Lieberth, all I know about you is you are Bernd's beloved person. Despite we never met before, may you rest in peace!

Bernd, be strong and don't forget we have your back!

Sebastian und Pushpa Deubler
13.04.2022 15:45:42
Dear Bernd,

You are in our thoughts and our hearts go out to you during this time.
May you find comfort among friends and family, and especially from the wonderful memories of Manu !

Sebastian, Pushpa and family
Aksara Shimizu
13.04.2022 15:30:15
I am so grateful that I knew you and have met you in person but I regret that I had too little time with you. I hope that you sleep in peace.
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